------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well I got the call and am staying on Ishigaki for the last part of the Mission. I have a new companion Elder Baba, he is from Sapporo Japan. I was wanting to finish back where I started on Okinawa, but I guess this is where I am needed.

This photo is for my Mom, she loves lighthouses.

As you can see, Elder Toomey and I had some time to get a ride around the island and take some photos. This is a major tourism spot, but there is not much else to do since we cannot swim or dive. The island is beautiful.

These photos were taken January 3rd. It is a pretty rough winter climate here, haha!

I am ready for some winter weather, the past (2) two years I have been able to go to the beach and walk the sand. I can't wait to get back on a board in the powder snow!

You would think no one could get tired of beaches and palm trees.

Transfers go quickly. Only a few short weeks and I will get to show my parents JAPAN (にほん)
I am excited to return to some of my favorite areas.
Time is flying by...

Mission Countdown

Omuta Pics

Naze Bike Trip around Island

Okinawa Urasoe (my first area)

Self Defence Elder


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