------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Email From Elder Chandler!

Here are some photos that Elder Cole took

It is nice that he has a little time on preparation day to take photos and enjoy serving in Japan. This is a collage of some that he sent us.

Here is some artwork that he has been working on. This is so cool Elder Cole! Keep using your talents when you get a chance.

He is still working with a few "friends" that he made. One of them has an imported Chevrolet Impala that has been tricked out. They are learning about the Church and Elder Chandler enjoys just being their friends. It sounds like March or early April and we will be going to Japan to see him complete his Mission. Great Job Elder Cole!

Mission Countdown

Omuta Pics

Naze Bike Trip around Island

Okinawa Urasoe (my first area)

Self Defence Elder


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