------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We have picked up Elder Chandler

Here are us in the Fukuoka Mission Home picking up our son Cole.

This is a photo outside the Fukuoka Temple just before we went in to see Elder Chandler

Here we are in Okinawa with one of Elder Chandler's favorite families.

This is some of the other Missionaries serving in Kumamoto. We were able to attend a Stake Conference there and meet so many wonderful people that loved Elder Chandler so much. This was one of Cole's favorite area's to serve in.

Here we are in Iizuka with some other friends that Elder Chandler made. They took the day and spent showing us sights and a wonderful Japanese dinner.

Kyoto is such a beautiful place and we visited a few Temples and Shrines.

Shibuya was an interesting place. It is one of the most famous spots in Tokyo.

We were in the middle of a large mass of people going every direction when crossing this intersection.

We have (2) two more days in Japan and then it is off for the USA.

See you in America!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well the time has finally come. We are leaving for Japan in the morning and Elder Chandler will be headed for Fukuoka to complete his Mission. What a great experience it has been for our family and our Son.

Here are a few photos he sent from his recent trip to some other islands with Elder Baba.

Wouldn't we all want to be in a tropical climate right now? And at the beach?

These are beautiful photos of the cherry blossoms out on the island of Okinawa. Hopefully we can still see them when we get there this coming Friday!

It is hard to believe that "We are finally going to Japan to pick up our Son, Elder Cole Chandler"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ONLY (7) Days Left

It is hard to imagine that the time has gone by and soon Elder Chandler will be coming home.
But first we have the opportunity to go to ニ本 (Japan) and see where he has served and lived for the past (2) years.
We are excited to go and enjoy the wonderful people of Japan.

Last week Elder Cole shipped his bike from Ishigaki home. It came today and I had the chance to put his transportation for the past (2) two years against what he will be cruising in once he is home. It has been such a fun project to get the BUS ready for his return. Here are a few pics from today!

I cannot believe these came in less than a week, letters have been taking 10 days!

It was fun to unpack his bike knowing all the miles he has ridden everywhere on his Mission and all the different places this bicycle has been.

I am sure he will like driving more than biking!

He had a "Hula Girl" on the dash before he left, so I made sure there was a fresh replacement. haha

We added the RISING Sun to the BUS. What a great way to remember Japan.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Probably the Last letter came from Elder Chandler

Here is a photo Elder Cole took of Ishigaki. He left yesterday for Okinawa to attend a Zone Conference and will be back in Ishigaki next Wednesday. Okinawa was the first island that he served on when he got to Japan.

When Cole was growing up I told him that you only have so many Sunsets in life so make sure you enjoy every one that you can. He has taken many photos of sunsets and they are gorgeous!

We are not sure exactly where this is, we believe it is in Ishigaki, but it is beautiful.

Enjoy the beaches and the ocean Elder Cole, soon you will be back in Utah and enjoying the winter season!


It is hard to believe that (2) two years has gone by so fast. Cole said that going on a Mission was a great thing and he has learned so much about life and people. Everything has to come to an end sometime. Cole would like to get back to Japan soon and continue his education.

Hopefully we can get another post before we leave for Japan. If not the next one will be the last with photos of our trip and Elder Chandler coming home. (It is hard to believe it is almost over).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Elder Cole's Apartment in Ishigaki

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Cole's Apartment is on the third floor. You can go down the street to the right and turn around, his window is on the top floor. I asked why the windows were grated with bars, he said it was for when the Typhoons come through! It is a very old apartment and has been used by the Missionaries since the late 60's.

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Here is a view of the Meeting House for the Ishigaki Branch. Elder Chandler said there are about 14 members that attend Church on Sunday.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well I got the call and am staying on Ishigaki for the last part of the Mission. I have a new companion Elder Baba, he is from Sapporo Japan. I was wanting to finish back where I started on Okinawa, but I guess this is where I am needed.

This photo is for my Mom, she loves lighthouses.

As you can see, Elder Toomey and I had some time to get a ride around the island and take some photos. This is a major tourism spot, but there is not much else to do since we cannot swim or dive. The island is beautiful.

These photos were taken January 3rd. It is a pretty rough winter climate here, haha!

I am ready for some winter weather, the past (2) two years I have been able to go to the beach and walk the sand. I can't wait to get back on a board in the powder snow!

You would think no one could get tired of beaches and palm trees.

Transfers go quickly. Only a few short weeks and I will get to show my parents JAPAN (にほん)
I am excited to return to some of my favorite areas.
Time is flying by...

Mission Countdown

Omuta Pics

Naze Bike Trip around Island

Okinawa Urasoe (my first area)

Self Defence Elder


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