------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Short Email from Elder Chandler

hello I'm online and I'm in Kumamoto one more time for zone conference. it should be fun but yeah. the bus ride was long we left our apt at 7 and got here just barley so it was a long bus ride. i just studied the whole time. but yeah i got the stuff. the cards. m&ms and stuff it was cool. thank you.. but yeah we had another firework show last night and with a bunch of other stuff like i don't know the word but it is matsuri (まつり=FESTIVAL). so look it up. but yeah we had one of those. so yeah. but if your on hit me up. thanks for everything

well yeah i don't have much time. but i will write you a long letter and get it sent off. to you but yah . sorry i have no time we are mailing at one of the senior couples appts. but that will be good it will be good to get letters from friends and stuff. but yeah send me one more. the members in Noboeka are great.

well i have to get off we are going to enjoy pday. sorry i have no time. but know i love you and I'm having a good time with Elder Watanabe in Nobeoka

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