------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Last Days in Naze Amami-shi

Well my transfer's in Amami are over but my heart took a small piece of that island with me when I left. It was a very beautiful place. But I have moved on and headed north for the Summer.We took a long bike ride around the island before I left. Here are some of my cool photos. Do you remember the "Spider Bite"? Here is the sweet scar that it left. Well Hello - Family - I enjoy my new area very much. My comp Elder Tokuzawa is great! Im sure you will get all of this after the Mothers Day phone call so I wont spend to much time with details. I will talk to you soon! Enjoy the pics. I love you, Japan is a beautiful place! Love Elder Chandler

Mission Countdown

Omuta Pics

Naze Bike Trip around Island

Okinawa Urasoe (my first area)

Self Defence Elder


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