------------------ KYUSHU SHINKANSEN -----------------


Sunday, March 22, 2009

well, first that is way rad that you were able to meet Elder Tonga and Elder Bateman. haha I love those guys. Yeah elder Bateman is such a good guy. Our mission has lost a lot of fun people and now it sucks. haha well it doesn't suck but it got a lot worse.

but yeah. not much new fun stuff on the island same as normal lots of RAIN and lots of REJECTION but what can you expect as a Missionary. haah anyway yeah i opened my birthday package the camera is super sweet. i have taken the journey to the church while its running so i will take some more footage and send that card home.
Naze is a pretty place if anyone wants to take a good week vacation please go to amamiooshima it would be a good idea.

if Elder Bateman, Tonga, or Rogers is reading this.

love elder chandler.

to people who don't speak or read Japanese. i am turning 20 on Wednesday. my teen years are regrettably over.

if you are bored please write a letter.

Mission Countdown

Omuta Pics

Naze Bike Trip around Island

Okinawa Urasoe (my first area)

Self Defence Elder


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