well I'm on. its been another hectic week with a non-Japanese companion. i think he is hopeless i gave him the whole `when in Rome, do as the Romans do`, it would have worked but he replies. ` i choose not to be a roman`. well such is life for another 3 weeks i have just learned to ignore all of his strange comments and focus on finding friends here. i got the package you sent me. thank you. but yeah lately our numbers have been going down and its just not that much fun. we are still working with komoto san the guy that had the baptismal date a while ago. he is getting interviewed on the 19Th and baptised on the 25 at least that is the plan. we will see. he is a good guy. well yeah. i am really going to send off a card with pics today i know i say it all the time but this time I'm serious. well write me back. not much has changed here sorry. but yeah
i haven't filmed that much with the camera sorry. i don't have a whole lot of time i will film some this coming week and send it off to you for sure. well yeah. nothing has changed. and your theory of companions sorry to say is wrong. for the most part your on. but sometimes you just get put with someone and there is nothing you can do about it. i have learned even more patients with this kid but still. but yeah..
i don't know who will transfer. i hope its him because I've started to like this place. but we will see. but that is still 3 weeks out..... 3 ..... long..... weeks......but o well. like i said not much has changed its just become the mission you just do it then your done so yeah lets count down the next 50 weeks in style haha but yeah. we will be able to talk next month that will be good. but yeah we will just talk with you then.
your trip to Cali sounds fun. i decided i want to be a pirate in japan when i grow up.... but really I'm Jones`n for a good boat ride. sail boat, speed boat, it just really hit me how much i like boats. but yeah. thank you all so much for the Easter package. i really like the stuff from the kids. haha but yeah
transfers are on April last Wednesday of the month. just put what I'm sending you on my blog there is nothing else happening in my life. I'm with a comp i dislike. what did you expect it happens in every ones mission but at least this kid isn't as bad as my first comp.
but we will hope for the future and another Japanese comp.
love elder Cole
love elder Cole